Thursday, 4 June 2015

Dissertation Methodology and Planning


I will use a Nietzschean methodology in my research and writing, if such a thing is possible. This will mean looking at the First Things First Manifesto solely from a Nietzschean perspective, allowing me to come to a conclusion that is critical and truly 'Nietzschean'. This seems like an appropriate method to take given that my initial understanding of Nietzsche is that his based around the celebration and achievement of the individual, and so raising points from a different perspective seems counter-productive and unnecessary in this sense. The large amount of primary reading also increases the scope for criticality than just reading secondary texts.

Paradoxically, this means that one of the biggest flaws in this essay will be it’s general lack of discussion of an approach to FTF 2000 other than a Nietzschean one. However, given that the whole premise of this essay is philosophical, it would be different to include more than one perspective in detail within the word count, so exploring this one outlook in depth is just as valid a route, especially given the Nietzsche-specific focus of the question.

Literature Review

Key Texts: Texts that I intend on reading in full or close to in full to give me a solid understanding of Nietzsche's thoughts and the First Things First Manifesto. Reading Nietzsche's books first will allow me to read First Things First from a Nietzschean perspective.

The Gay ScienceFriedrich Nietzsche
Beyond Good and EvilFriedrich Nietzsche
The AntichristFriedrich Nietzsche
Thus Spoke ZarathustraFriedrich Nietzsche
Ecce HomoFriedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche as Philosopher - Arthur C. Danto
Friedrich Nietzsche - Lee Spinks
1964 First Things First Manifesto - Ken Garland
2000 First Things First Manifesto - Adbusters

Supporting Texts: Texts that I'll read suitable bits from or in full if they're smaller. These will provide more variation in my citations, increasing the strength of the triangulation by supporting the arguments made from my readings of the key texts.

Human, All Too HumanFriedrich Nietzsche
Fear and Trembling - Soren Kierkegaard
Practice in Christianity - Soren Kierkegaard
On the Suffering of the World - Arthur Schopenhauer
The Wisdom of Life - Arthur Schopenhauer
Moral Man and Immoral Society - Reinhold Niebuhr
10 Footnotes to a Manifesto - Michael Bierut
First Things First Revisited - Rick Poynor
Good: An Introduction to Ethics In Graphic Design - Lucienne Roberts

Research Plan

  1. Read the books from Danto and Spinks as an introduction to Nietzsche.
  2. Read the Nietzsche books to develop my own critical thoughts.
  3. Read the Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, and Niebuhr books to be able to initially triangulate some of Nietzsche's ideas with others that support him.
  4. Analyse the First Things First Manifesto's to try and match up some of the notes I've taken on Nietzsche's thoughts with the Manifesto. 
  5. Read the Bierut, Poynor, and Roberts texts to try and triangulate these thoughts.
  6. Structure my points in a dissertation plan, highlighting areas where examples of graphic design will be appropriate as an example of a point.
  7. Find said examples of graphic design. This will ideally be done through a natural progression of sources I use that start from Bierut, Poynor and Roberts, although I may have to look at design blogs if this doesn't materialise. Design blogs are appropriate sources because they generally display the sort contemporary work that First Things First is either for or against dependent on it's context.
  8. Use these examples along with the points brought up in my essay plan to come up with a suitable proposal for a practical project supporting the essay.

Practical Work

At this moment in time I don't know enough about Nietzsche's theories or the main content of my essay to solidly plan or propose a practical element that would be necessarily be appropriate, but my current idea to write up a Nietzschean manifesto to design in direct response to First Things First based on the content of my essay, and produce pieces of design that follow the Nietzschean ones in response to the examples I'll have used in the essay. This is something that is subject to change, and will be addressed more thoroughly as I approach the end of my reading.

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