Friday, 4 September 2015

Reinhold Niebuhr's Interview with Mike Wallace


When I was looking into whether or not Niebuhr was a Christian I came across this interview, and thought that watching it could do no harm. The transcript can be found here.

What I Gained

Watching this interview was really useful, and I found it quite reassuring because he suggested things that backed up various parts of my research up to now, including:

  1. Catholicism has contributed to a free and democratic society more than it is given credit for by the general American population.
  2. People stick with traditional religion because it is something that has proven successful over a long period of time, whereas Marxism etc broke down.
  3. The idea of individual freedom transcends the freedom of society.
  4. His use of the phrase 'we Protestants' confirms that he's a Christian.

Potentially useful quotes:

Next Steps

Whilst this has provided me with some backing to the idea that societies ideas of morally good come from Christianity, a second opinion will probably be useful to further support this.

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