When I was looking into whether or not Niebuhr was a Christian I came across this interview, and thought that watching it could do no harm. The transcript can be found here.
What I Gained
Watching this interview was really useful, and I found it quite reassuring because he suggested things that backed up various parts of my research up to now, including:
- Catholicism has contributed to a free and democratic society more than it is given credit for by the general American population.
- People stick with traditional religion because it is something that has proven successful over a long period of time, whereas Marxism etc broke down.
- The idea of individual freedom transcends the freedom of society.
- His use of the phrase 'we Protestants' confirms that he's a Christian.
Potentially useful quotes:
Next Steps
Whilst this has provided me with some backing to the idea that societies ideas of morally good come from Christianity, a second opinion will probably be useful to further support this.
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