Monday, 5 October 2015

Design For Life - Nigel Ball & 10 Footnotes to a Manifesto - Michael Bierut


After struggling to find any more useful information on Johanna Drucker I came across this article on Eye Magazine's blog, written by Nigel Ball and citing Poynor's mentioning of Drucker. It talked about a potential (at the time of it's writing) update to FTF in 2014, something which did happen and I was completely unaware of. The article clearly stated some of the thoughts I've been recently having, which confirmed some of my own criticisms to be legitimate in my mind. It then seemed appropriate to go straight into Bierut's 10 Footnotes to a Manifesto, a text that I know to be heavily critical of FTF, given that I was already in the practice of identifying criticisms.

What I Gained

Both texts were incredibly useful in terms of backing up some of the criticisms I have of FTF that have been taken from Nietzsche's thoughts towards religion, which is very reassuring, as this is what I initially set out to do. These were: 

  1. Ball states that "the manifesto had Modernist ideology at its core".
  2. Ball also stated that the 2000 version was "more aggressive and vehemently against advertising".
  3. Expanded on Drucker's thoughts by crediting her with the question "In whose interests and to what ends?"
  4. Ball admits that he doesn't think FTF 2000 has caused the industry to change much.
  5. Bierut suggests that the 'average designer' won't have hear of most of the signatories of the 2000 Manifesto and would find them unrelatable even if they did know who they were.
  6. Bierut says It's very difficult for something as simple as a Manifesto to be realistically followable in real life.
  7. There is a lack of focus on creativity in the Manifesto and it's based more around politics.
  8. The manifesto is anti-capitalist.

Potentially useful quotes:

Next Steps

Having read Bierut's essay, his most recent book, 'How to use graphic design to sell things, explain things, make things look better, make people laugh, make people cry, and (every once in a while) change the world', seems like a good place to go next. I'll also explore the 2014 FTF Manifesto a little bit.

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